Our conductive flooring incorporates specific raw materials to prevent the accumulation of electrical charges. Combined with copper ribbons previously installed on the ground, it will route them to a tile located at the extremity of the area. This tile will be then connected to the ground thanks to our grounding kit, and will thus evacuate electricity to prevent any electrostatic discharge.
First of all, it should not be confused with our antistatic PVC tile called Module Factory AS X7. Because the technical characteristics of each product are distinct. And they do not perform the same way.
What need does our ESD conductive floor meet?
The risks associated with static electricity discharges are in most cases without consequences for people. But they can cause significant damages to infrastructures. As for certain activities such as those related to the electronics industry or IT. Indeed, a technical platform, a computer room or a sterile area are daily faced with this type of risk and must choose the appropriate flooring. The main objective is to prevent the degradation or destruction of electrical equipment.
In some of the most sensitive environments, such as ATEX zones that contain explosive or flammable materials, the risk is even greater. Indeed electrostatic discharges, uncontrolled, can go as far as causing explosions.
Module Factory ESD meets IEC 61340-4-1:2016 requirements
Module Factory ESD color chart :
- Delivery within 10 working days in Western Europe (black and dark grey)
- Ramps and angles available for all colors.
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