Module Kidz


Dimensions (mm) : 500 x 500 (4 tiles = 1m²)

Fall height : respects norm EN1177 for each thickness

Weights :

  • 30mm : 21kg/m² (also in Aqua version, fall height = 1 meter)
  • 40mm : 26kg/m2 (fall height = 1,2 meter)

Thickness up to 120mm, consult us.

Resistance to UV
: Yes

Slip resistance
: Yes

Pack size / box m² : per tile


The base layer of our Module Kidz tile (≃ 95% of the product) is made of 100% recycled PVC. The manufacturing process is zero waste, as all rejected tiles and excess material are recycled on site.


Would you like to renovate your playground floor quickly and easily? While making children’s safety a priority? Module Kidz is the perfect solution! The shock-absorbing properties of Module Kidz tiles, combined with their flexible installation, provide an effective solution to these problems.

The high elasticity of the rubber cushions falls and provides a pleasant walking sensation, while guaranteeing optimum play comfort. The peace of mind of those accompanying the child is not forgotten either! Module Kidz tiles reduce impact and running noises. To keep the environment as quiet as possible.

The high quality of Module Kidz’s raw materials means that the tiles can withstand the rigours of frost, sun and bad weather over time. The high density of its granular surface also prevents the formation of puddles. This reduces the risk of falling after a shower.

Factory-fitted connectors from 30mm upwards make installation easy. This saves time and prevents tiles from coming loose.

Module Kidz is also available:

  • In letter, numbers and patterns tiles: they are particularly suitable for playgrounds, schools and nurseries. A very educational tool to awaken on subjects such as farming, the stars or the sea.
  • Aqua version : for wet playgrounds, water parks and water jets. Module Kidz Aqua is extremely non-slip thanks to its granular surface. And has a high resistance to abrasion, UV, chlorine and salt water. In addition, the tiles dries quickly!

Advantages :

  • Thermal insulation
  • Non-slip properties
  • Quick and easy to install
  • UV-resistant
  • Acoustic insulation

Kidz Module colour chart :

  • Delivery within 15 to 20 working days.
  • Railings and corners available in all colours and thicknesses.
  • Colours: available in black, grey, red and green.
  • The tiles are available in letters, numbers and patterns. Consult us for colours.

Do you have a playground flooring project and would like to find out more?

You want to know more about this range ?

Coloris / Colors

Colorisation du caoutchouc recyclé noir SBR. Couleurs et photos non contractuelles. Fluctuation possible des teintes entre les dalles et les fabrications. Si couleurs RAL, nous contacter.

Rampes / Ramps



Épaisseurs / Thickness : 50mm

Dimensions (mm) : 500×500

Poids / Weight : 22,4 kg/mÇ (5,6kg/dalle/tile)

Composition : EPDM rubber

Résistance Chimique / Chemical resistance : Résistant au chlore et à l’eau salée / Resistant to chlorine and salt water

Stabilité aux UV / UV stability : Haute résistance aux UV / High UV resistance

Hauteur de chute / Drop height : Hauteur de chute certifiée de 0,9m / certified drop height of 0.9m

Usages / Uses : Dalles ajourées, convient pour une utilisation en intérieur. Dalles pleines, pour une utilisation extérieure. / Open tiles, suitable for indoor use. Solid tiles, for outdoor use

Propriétés antidérapantes grâce à sa surface granuleuse et à son séchage rapide / Non-slip properties thanks to its granular surface and rapid drying


Documents téléchargeables / Documents to download

Fiche Technique – Module KIDZ

Data sheet – Module KIDZ

Fiche Technique – Module KIDZ AQUA

Data sheet – Module KIDZ AQUA

Installation guide MODULE KIDZ