Module Fitness Max: muscle the resistance of your floors!

Sports practices are constantly evolving, especially in the bodybuilding world. With them, new constraints are appearing and sports halls have to adapt their equipment to them. The floor of your space dedicated to the practice of “CrossFit” activities thus requires increased protection. He is on the front line because he is constantly solicited by the athletes.

Indeed, this discipline integrates a particularly intensive training, incorporating very heavy weights and dumbbells. In addition, we must not neglect the comfort and safety of athletes!

Our Module Fitness Max Rubber floors offer an ideal answer to these problems. They have been specially designed to benefit from exceptional resistance to daily falls of dumbbells. Even when loaded with the heavier discs, they can handle drops up to 160kgs for the enhanced version of Module Fitness Max 20mm.

The objective is to secure the sporting environment by preventing their rebound while protecting the ground from the shock and vibration of the weights.

The acoustic comfort is not left out since it has an acoustic reduction of sound impact up to -24db for Module Fitness Max X43. Ideal to equip the floor of fitness and CrossFit areas in urban environments!

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